张国亮 | 艺术简介 现为: 中国美术家协会会员 洛阳市美术家协会副主席 中华诗词学会河南分会理事 河南省花鸟研究会常务副会长 河南中国画学会理事 洛阳中国画学会副会长 洛阳市书画院院长 中国东方书画院副院长 洛阳市总工会副主席 Zhang Guoliang | Profile Current: A member of Chinese Artists Association Vice chairman of Luoyang Artists Association Director of Henan branch of Chinese Poetry Society Executive vice-chairman of Henan Province Bird and Flower Seminar Director of Henan Chinese Painting Society Vice president of Luoyang Chinese Painting Society Dean of Luoyang Painting and Calligraphy Academy Vice president of Chinese East Painting and Calligraphy Academy Vice chairman of Luoyang Federation Of Trade Unions 主要艺术成就: 2004 The Rhyme of Old Bridge was selected into national mid youth painter Chinese painting nomination exhibition, which hosted by Chinese Artists Association. 2004 Literature and art press has published The Collection of Zhang Guoliang’s Poem Inscribled On Painting, Zhang Guoliang Freehand Peony. 2005 Lakeside Song was selected into Taihu Feeling Chinese painting named works exhibition and awarded honorable mention. 2005 He was evaluated as the most influence hundred artists of China by Cultural Times. 2005 Rhyme of Autumn Stay long was selected into the 2nd session Chinese Artists Association Members Chinese Painting Good Quality Exhibition. 2006年 《秋山抹余晖》入选中国美协举办的“全国百名画家中国画提名展” 2006年 《莲蓬赋》入选第三届中国美术家协会会员中国画精品展 2007年 《仰慕青天》获得第三届2007中国南京书画艺术博览会暨全国优秀书画作品展金奖 2008年 《高天厚土》纪念改革开放30周年“辅仁杯”全国书画展美术奖特等奖 2009年 《晨曦露秀》入选第五届中国美术家协会会员中国画精品展 2006 Afterglow Akiyama was selected into the “national 100 artists China painting nomination exhibition” which organized by Chinese Artists Association. 2006 Songs of Seedpod of The Lotus was selected into the 3rd session Chinese Artists Association Members Chinese Painting Good Quality Exhibition. 2007 Admire Sky awarded golden prize of the 3rd session Nanjing Painting and Calligraphy Art Expo of China and National Excellent Painting and Calligraphy Works Exhibition. 2010年 《日月同辉》参加全国中国画名家学术邀请巡展。 2011年 《大河岸边》参加全国百名最具影响力中国画名家学术邀请展 2011年 《万里黄河唱大风》入选第七届中国美术家协会会员中国画精品展。 2013年 《龙门山色》参加中国画名家作品联展 2010 Shinning Forever participated in the National Chinese Painting Famous Academic Invitational Tour Exhibition. 2011 Great River Side participated in one hundred of the most influence Chinese painting master academic invitational exhibition. 2011 The Yellow River Singing Strong Winds was selected into the 7th session Chinese Artists Association Members Chinese Painting Good Quality Exhibition. 2013 Longmen Mountains participated in Chinese Painting Famous Joint Exhibition. 画家张国亮先生,是近年来从传统中成功地揭示出一种有别于传统而又更贴近现实,具有现代审美意识艺术语言的画家。他的作品所创造出的意境,思想和美感形式,集中反映了画家对历史文化的认识和对现实生活的感受;他的风格逐渐从阴柔走向阳刚,从淡雅走向浓烈,从古代形态走向中国画自身的现代形态,气势开张,情韵散朗,淋漓奔放,苍古朴拙,艺脉纯正,卓然不群,达到画面满而不塞,着色艳而不俗,用笔稳而不浮,师古意而不板的艺术境界。 The painter Mr. Zhang Guoliang, in recent years, he has successfully revealed a kind of art language which is different from the traditional one and is closer to reality, with modern aesthetic consciousness. The artistic conception, thought and sense of beauty of his creation, focus on reflected the artist’s understanding of historic culture and the feeling of real life, his style graduated from gentle to manly, from quietly elegant to heavy flavour, from the ancient form to the modern form of Chinese painting, the momentum is opening, dripping and unrestrained, antique and sincerely, pure and remarkable, the picture is full but not crowded, the color is bright and not vulgar, used brush is steady but not floating, learned from ancient events but no formalist. 张国亮先生修养全面,不仅精于国画山水花鸟,还能为文吟诗,善书,好读文史哲学书籍,勤奋向艺,不忘修文。因此,他的绘画日益走向成熟和典型,得到中国当今画坛之褒奖。 其作品先后13次参加中国美术家协会举办的各种大型画展,并5次获奖。个人画集有天津人美出版的大红袍《道谛之境》、《张国亮画集山水、花鸟、荷花系列》、《张国亮题画诗集》、《张国亮写意牡丹》等8个专辑。 ——摘自《艺术家画刊》 Mr. Zhang Guoliang’s artistic accomplishment is comprehensive, not only mastered traditional Chinese landscape and bird and flower, also can write articles and recite poems, he is good at calligraphy, he likes to read books of literature and philosophy, diligent to art, doesn’t forget study literature. His work successively 13 times participated various large painting exhibition which organized by Chinese Artists Association, and won prize 5 times, he also has published 8 solo albums, such as Dahongpao Daodizhijing, Landscape, Bird and Flower, Lotus Series of Zhang Guoliang Album, The Collection of Zhang Guoliang’s Poem Inscribled On Painting, Zhang Guoliang Freehand Peony, etc. ——Select from Artist Illustrated.

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