王心悟,1968年生,宁夏人。就读于中央美术学院油画系1993届研修班,国家二级美术师。现为宁夏美协理事,银川市美术家协会副主席、宁夏油画艺委会副秘书长、宁夏油画学会副秘书长,职业画家。 作品多次参加入选全国美术作品展览、获奖。出版个人油画作品集和油画联展作品画册多本,区内外报刊杂志发表油画作品300余幅,撰写多篇学术论文和美术评论。在上海、山东烟台、宁夏银川举办个人油画展和四人油画联展,部分油画作品赴韩国首尔、罗马尼亚布加勒斯特参加油画作品联展。其油画作品被博物馆、美术馆、画廊、企业、私人等收藏。 并在宁夏首次举办了第一个大型当代艺术个展“2008同一首歌·王心悟当代油画作品展”,展览影响广泛。 主要展览: 1988年 长春市青年美展             长春 1989年 银川现代艺术展             银川 1992年 全国第十一届版画作品展{铜奖}      广州 1997年 第二届中国静物油画展          北京 2001年 宁夏首届小幅油画展           银川 2002年 “不在边缘”王心悟影像作品展      银川 2003年 《携手新世纪——第三届中国油画展》   北京 2004年 全国第十届美术作品展          北京 2007年 全国第十四届群星杯美术作品展      广州 2007年 传统力量之大漠西夏油画展        上海 2008年 萎缩与力量·四人油画联展        上海 2008年 2008同一首歌—王心悟当代油画作品个展  银川 2009年 人体彩绘行为艺术            中卫 2010年 全国第六届西部大地艺术情油画作品展   鄂尔多斯 2014年 王心悟大西北风景油画作品展       青岛 2015年 罗马尼亚中国西北油画十人联展布     加勒斯特 Wang xin-wu, he was born in Ningxia in 1968. He studied in oil painting department seminar of the central academy of fine arts, he is the national secondary artist. Currently he is director of Ningxia artists association, and vice chairman of Ningxia city artists association, and deputy secretary of Ningxia oil painting arts committee, and deputy secretary of Ningxia oil painting society, and professional oil painter. His works participated in the national art exhibitions and won awards many times, he published personal collections of oil painting and albums of oil painting exhibition, he published oil painting works more than 300 on newspapers and magazines inside and outside of areas, and wrote academic papers and comments of fine arts. He held personal oil painting exhibitions and four artists oil painting joint exhibitions in Shanghai, Yantai Shandong, and Yinchuan Ningxia, part of his works to participated in oil painting joint exhibitions in Seoul South Korea, Rumania, and Bucharest, and his works were collected by museum, art museum, gallery, enterprise, private person and so on. And he held the first session sole exhibition of contemporary art “2008 The same song•Wang Xin-wu contemporary oil painting exhibition”, influence was broadly. The main exhibiton: In 1998’s, Changchun city youth art exhibition In 1989’s, Modern art exhibition in Yinchuan In 1992’s, National eleventh print exhibition {Bronze-prize} in Guangzhou In 1997’s, The second China still life oil painting exhibition in Beijing In 2001’s, The first small oil painting exhibition in Ningxia Yinchuan In 2002’s, “Not on the verge” Wang Xin-wu image works exhibition in Yinchuan In 2003’s, 《Hand in hand in the new century——the third China oil painting exhibition》 in Beijing In 2004’s, The tenth national fine arts exhibition in Beijing In 2007’s, The fourth national “Cup stars” art exhibition in Guangzhou In 2007’s, Traditional strength•the desert Xixia oil painting exhibition in Shanghai In 2008’s, Shrinkage and strength•four artists oil painting joint exhibition in Shanghai In 2008’s, The same song——Wang xin-wu contemporary personal oil painting exhibition in Yinchuan In 2009’s, Body painting performance art in Zhongwei In 2010’s, The sixth national western land art feeling oil painting exhibition in Ordos In 2014’s, Wang Xin-wu northwest landscape oil painting exhibition in Qingdao In 2015’s, Romania northwest China oil painting exhibition in Bucharest

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