孙志纯,现为福建省画院执行院长,国家一级美术师。中国美术家协会会员,福建省美协油画艺委会副主任兼秘书长,福建省美协水彩画艺委会副主任,福建师大美术学院特聘教授,福建省美协常务理事,福建省文联艺术委员会委员。 作品入选第六、十、十一届全国美展,中国百年水彩画展。第一、第七、第十届全国水彩粉画展。中国水彩写生精品展。第一、第二届全国小幅水彩画展。第二届可见之诗-中国油画写生作品展,可见之诗-中国油画风景展。获第二届全国卫生美术作品展二等奖、全国首届小幅水彩画展铜奖。油画《宋慈洗冤集录》入选中华文明重大历史题材工程(与王耀伟合作)。 作品被中国美术馆、中国国家博物馆、中国油画学会、福建省美术馆等机构收藏。 Sun Zhi-chun, at the present, he is the execute director of Fujian province painting academy, national level artist. he is a member of Chinese artist association, deputy director and secretary-general of oil painting art commission of Fujian province artists association, deputy director of watercolor painting art commission of Fujian province artists association, distinguished professor of fine arts academy of Fujian normal university, managing director of Fujian province artists association, committee member of art commission of Fujian province literary federation. His works were selected into the 6th、10th、11th session national fine arts exhibition, China century watercolor painting exhibition, the 1st、7th、10th session national watercolor and pastel painting exhibition, Chinese watercolor fine sketch exhibition, the 1st、2nd session national small watercolor exhibition, the second term visible verse-Chinese oil painting sketching works exhibition, visible verse-Chinese oil painting landscape exhibition, his works have won the second award of the second session national sanitation art exhibition and the bronze award of the first session national small watercolor painting exhibition. His oil painting 《Songci Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified》 was selected into Chinese civilization great historical theme project (created with Wang Yao-wei). His works were collected by National Art Museum of China、National Museum of China、Chinese Oil Painting Academy、Fujian Province Gallery and some organizations.

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