庞成勇,字一农,号一墨堂主人,男,汉族,1974年5月生,山东省菏泽市人。现任中国书协会员、中国楹联学会会员、中国硬笔书协理事兼理论委员。 书法作品入选第三届中国书坛新人作品展、第三届全国楹联书法展; 1992年2月入选中国当代名家书画展; 1993年10月在“八卦杯”国际书画大赛中获二等奖并收藏; 1995年3月入选全国市县文联著名书画家作品邀请展; 2004年5月个人入选《文艺报》、年度《新闻人物——艺术人生》栏目、 7月应邀参加纪念邓小平同志诞辰100周年书画作品展,10月入选庆祝建国55周年书画联展; 并多次在《书法报》、《书法导报》、《青少年书法报》、《军艺文化天地》等专业报刊杂志上发表作品或做专题介绍。Mr. Chengyong Pang, who has courtesy name of YInong and Yimotangzhuren. He was born in May 1974, in Heze City Shandong Province. At present, he is a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Couplet Association, a council member and theoretical committee of Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphy Association. Several calligraphy works created by Mr. Pang were showcased on the Third Exhibition of Chinese Emerging Calligrapher and the Third National Couplet Calligraphy Exhibition.In February 1992, the Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Artists displayed his works on the exhibition.In October 1993, the Bagua Cup International Calligraphy and Painting Contest conferrd the second prize to Mr. Pang and collected the valuable works him.In March 1995, the Exhibition of Renowned Artists in Literary Federations of Cities and Counties of China exhibited the works of Mr. Pang.In May 2004, he appeared on the Journal of Literature and Art and the program “Man of the Year-Art and Life”. In July, he was invited to exhibit on the Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition for the Celebration of the 100th Birthday of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. In October, his works were exhibited on a group show organized on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of P.R.China. Besides, for several times, Mr. Pang published his creations and featured articles upon art on professional journals and magazines such as “Calligraphy”, “Calligraphy Review”, “Youth Calligraphy” and “Military Literature and Art”.

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