刘大为,1945年生,祖籍山东诸城。1968年毕业于内蒙古师范大学美术系。1980年毕业于中央美术学院中国画系研究生班。现任解放军艺术学院美术系教授、主任,中国文联副主席、中国美术家协会主席、教科文组织下属国际造型艺术家协会主席、全国政协委员。 主要作品: 《布里亚特婚礼》、《雏鹰》、《幼狮》、《张华壮曲谱新篇》、《小米加步枪》、《漠上》、《阳光下》、《马背上的民族》、《晚风》、《辉煌之路》、《帕米尔高原的婚礼》、《草原上的歌》、《巴扎归来》、《人民公仆》、《雪线》、《远山》、《雪域生灵》等。 出版有《写意人物画技法》、《刘大为速写》、《刘大为作品集》、《刘大为小品集》、《刘大为水彩画作品》、《史诗与牧歌——刘大为作品集》等。 其作品多次参加国内重大展览并获奖,在日本、英国、美国、德国、法国及香港、台湾等国家和地区展出。Dawei Liu was born in the year of 1945 in Zhucheng city, Shandong province. He graduated from art department of Inner Mogolia Normal University in 1968. 12 years later, he completed his postgraduate courses in the department of Chinese paintings of Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is the sitting professor and dean of art department in Academy of Arts of People's Liberation Army , the vice president of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the president of Chinese Artists Association, the president of International Association of Art affiliated to UNESCO and a member of the national committee of CPPCC. Works: Wedding In Buryat, Eyas, Lavi, New Episode of Huazhuang Zhang, Millet Plus Rifles, In The Desert, Under The Sun, On Horseback, The Twilight Years, A Brilliant Way, Wedding on Pamirs, Song of the Grassland, Return from Bazzar, Servant of The People, Snow Line, Distant Hills, Snowland Life. Publications: The Art of Freehand Figure Painting, Sketch of Dawei Liu, Collection of Dawei Liu, Sketch Book of Dawei Liu, Watercolor Works of Dawei Liu, Epic & Pastoral-Collection of Dawei Liu Many of his creations were listed on major exhibitions and awarded with art prizes in Japan, UK, America, Germany, France, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

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