贾又福,1941年生,中国著名画家、美术教育家、理论家。中央美术学院、中国艺术研究院教授、博士生导师。 1960年考入中央美术学院,师从李可染、叶浅予、李苦禅、宗其香、何海霞、私淑潘天寿、石鲁。苦心力学,矢志不移,致力于中国山水画的教学与创作,如今将哲学引入化学,开创了观化山水。继黄宾虹、李可染之后,为当代中国山水画的开拓与创新做出了突出的贡献。 1992年中华人民共和国国务院授予贾又福在文化事业有突出贡献专家称号和特殊津贴;获英国剑桥世界名人传记中心授予的“世界名人二十世纪成就奖”。 在北京荣宝斋出版社出版《贾又福谈画篇》、天津美术出版社出版《贾又福山水教学体系》、河北美术出版社出版《贾又福集:苦修集、怀乡集、观化集》。曾在中国美术馆举办《贾又福工作室教学汇报展》、北京中国美术馆举办“贾又福工作室师生作品展”等。 1993年当选中国美术家协会理事。1994年中国文化部授予贾又福优秀专家称号。1997年国家人事部授予贾又福有突出贡献的国家级专家,并颁证。2010年,北京大学中国当代艺术经典大家入史研究与传承工程成立、北京大学贾又福艺术研究基金、北京大学贾又福艺术研究会和北京大学贾又福工作室。 Jia Youfu, was born in 1941, a famous Chinese painter, art educator and theorist, professor and master supervisor of China Central Academy of Fine Arts and Chinese National Academy of Arts. He was enrolled into China Central Academy of Fine Arts and studied from Li Keran, Ye Qianyu, Li Kuchan, Zong Qixiang, He Haixia, Pan Tianshou and Shi Lu. He is devoted to education and creation of Chinese landscape painting. He integrates philosophy into chemistry and develops “spiritualization landscape painting”. He has made outstanding contributions for the exploration and innovation of contemporary Chinese landscape painting following Huang Binhong and Li Keran. In 1992 he was granted the title of Expert With Outstanding Contributions In Cultural Undertakings and special subsidy by State Council of P.R. China; he was also awarded “ The World’s Celebrities 20th Century Achievements Award”. Publications include Jia Youfu Talking On Painting by Beijing Rong Bao Zhai Publishing House, Jia Youfu Landscape Painting Education System by Tianjin Fine Arts Publishing House and Collections Of Jia Youfu: Penance, Homesick, Spiritualization by Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House. He used to hold Jia Youfu Studio Teaching Report Exhibition and Jia Youfu Studio Teachers and Students Art Exhibition in National Art Museum of China. In 1993 he was elected as Director of Chinese Artists Association. In 1994 he was granted the title of Excellent Expert by Ministry of Culture of P.R. China. in 1997, he was granted “National Expert With Outstanding Contributions” by State Personnel Board. In 2010, Jia Youfu Art Research Fund, Jia Youfu Art Institute and Jia Youfu Studio and Contemporary Chinese Art Masters History-Entrance Research And Inheritance Program of Peking University were established.

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